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Improving Improvement

A toolkit for Engineering Better Care


Resources: Overview


Describes the resources in this section.

Case Studies

A selection of case studies are used to illustrate improvement.

Service Users

A service user is a direct beneficiary from improvement.

Service Stakeholders

A service stakeholder is someone who has a direct interest in improvement.

Service Improvers

A service improver is someone whose capacity for improvement is enabled.

Improvement Questions

A selection of questions enable improvement to be delivered.

Improvement Frameworks

A selection of frameworks enable activities to be identified.

Improvement Activities

A selection of activities enable questions to be answered.

Improvement Tools

A selection of tools enable activities to be executed.

Improvement Definitions

The definition of a term is a statement expressing the essential nature of something.

Improvement Posters

Posters assist in the visualisation and understanding of programmes.

Improvement Worksheets

Worksheets assist in the planning and execution of programmes.

Improvement Stage Guides

Guides provide a process for the planning and execution of programmes.


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